Stress overload triggered a depressive relapse this month.
Also, my wisdom teeth, henceforth known as The Four Toothmen of the Jawpocalypse, are on the move again—sapping my ability to be cognizant and not in pain.
Pretty sure they had a hand in my very first minor automobile collision early last week.
But as a wise woman once said: “it gets better.”
On my journey to get to know myself, I've realized that I enjoy having a series of small goals that lead up to some sort of larger goal. That would explain why this blog is 90% checklists.
I've got a smaller checklist for the next little while that should help all these little black rain clouds blow away.
[ ] Change my hair color to one I've never tried before
[ ] Go to the zoo
[ ] Try a new hobby...thing
[ ] Find out where in my piles of crap I buried the Tryptophan supplements
[ ] Start taking the Tryptophan supplements to help my brain make the Seratonins
I would totally have way more things to say—but until the Toothmen settle down again, I'm less a person, more a lethargic, incognizant meatsack.