Thursday, September 16, 2010


Having one of those "burn it all to the ground" days.

Don't misunderstand me, though--it's not an angry thought.

It's just that I'm thick with old growth, dead leaves and branches, vines over-stepping their bounds.

I need a wildfire to tear through it all, and wind and rain to clear out the ashes. Winter will come and flatten everything under ice, and when it thaws, new things will rise out of the blackened earth.

I threw out a 3rd of my old clothes--things between four and ten years old. Who would keep those things? It is largely because I keep promising myself that I will "use them for something". But there is no excuse, I wasn't even around for the great depression!

I think they're ugly now anyway. My taste has evolved considerably since their acquisition. My closet is full of hideous anachronisms from a point in my life where I only wanted to wear either black and red or green and brown.

Next might have to be my fabrics. My vast collection of "Ooh, only one dollar a yard? I'm sure I'll totally find a use for this".

So many tools and components I just don't remember how to use anymore, serving more as reminders of how epically useless I've become. A frustrating monument to my own personal decay.

Just need a little spark to catch in the tinder and turn it all to ash.

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