Friday, October 8, 2010


I was getting really low there, for a while. Like, really low. And kind of angry. I attributed this to rejoining the prestigious field of fast food services. Spending all day surrounded by the energy of hungry-grumpy customers and rushed, haggard managers probably does a number on the subconscious.

...then I accidentally self-medicated with milk.

Like from a cow.


I was just doing the warm milk thing to make myself sleepy, but it turns out tryptophan does more than induce cozy, sleepy feelings. It is also a key ingredient in seratonin production.

Now tryptophan, while essential for producing sleep and mood regulating chemicals, is inhibited by a whole bunch of other amino acids—so the best way ensure you get a good amount of the stuff is to either isolate a single tryptophan-rich food and eat it on an empty stomach [or similarly take a suppliment].

So the byproduct of my drinking warm milk before bed, well after dinner, was a slightly increased production of seratonin.

I'm not suddenly up for joining glee club or anything, but it sure took the edge off.

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